Friday, November 02, 2007

More on the floor

I am confident the Jill & Ray will resolve the issue to our satisfaction.


Ray and I have just returned from looking at the floor we have some definite concerns about the appearance of the floor. We will plan on meeting at your house at 5:00pm on Monday; the floor person will also be in attendance.

Have a good weekend


From: Matthew Piette []
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 7:52 AM
To: Jill Doss
Subject: Fw: 4 times a charm?


I met with the floor guy yesterday and he immediately said that the entire floor had to be redone and he redid it. It needs to be redone again.

The floor has gone from a show piece to something we need to cover up. It used to be indistinguishable from the original wood in the front; now a blind man could tell the difference.

At this point all options are back on the table, including going with a completely different floor, such as tile.

Laurie will be home this afternoon to meet the 'fridge repair guy. Can you and Ray stop by to look at the floor with her and discuss options? It's not just streaks and blotches anymore but globs of excess sealer.


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